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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Zoom supports boom in channel business with Nintex

Zoom supports boom in channel business with Nintex

When businesses, schools, and organizations of all types moved their activities online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for video communication services skyrocketed. At Zoom Video Communications, Inc., the total daily meeting participants soared 30x in four months, with a 354% increase of customers with more than 10 employees compared to the year before. Even Zoom’s more narrow channel market, which serves enterprise customers via distributors and other partners, saw new orders jump fivefold.

Processing and tracking those new channel orders to the point of provisioning had been a challenge for Zoom even before the surge of new business. The bottleneck was a set of manual processes based around email and spreadsheets. Zoom had moved to a combination of Zendesk for order tracking and Salesforce for order management, but the process still required Zoom personnel to handle each order six or more times, including follow-ups to the large sales team to create quotes and obtain approvals, and to the provisioning team to implement the new accounts.

Zoom worked with Pacific BPA, a Nintex Premier Partner, to design and deploy a solution built on Nintex Workflow Cloud in just three weeks. Now, when a new order is entered in Zendesk, it triggers the workflow, which automates all interaction between Zendesk and Salesforce.

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. provides cloud-based video and web conferencing to bring teams together to get more done in a frictionless environment. With 2,800+ employees worldwide, Zoom helps enterprises create elevated experiences with leading business app integrations and developer tools.

What they need

Zoom already needed to scale up its processing of channel orders to meet rising demand when the company experienced a boom in business during the COVID-19 crisis. Then, the need became critical.

How they did it

Zoom replaced its largely manual order tracking and management process with a solution built on Nintex Workflow Cloud that integrates with Zendesk and Salesforce to automate the steps from order intake through purchase-order confirmation and provisioning.

Now positioned for massive growth

Zoom considered and rejected a robotic process automation solution as lacking the flexibility the company needed to deal with numerous channel partners, each with its own requirements for purchase orders, email confirmations, and other documentation. Instead, it needed a flexible, highly automated, and highly scalable workflow solution.

The Nintex solution is integrated with Salesforce and Zendesk. As the business processes move from new order to provisioned order, the Nintex Workflow updates all systems, automates reminders to the sales team to create partner-specific purchase orders, and sends notifications of status updates to the channel operations, sales, and provisioning teams. The workflow handles 90% of orders fully, 50% more than initially expected. As a result, Zoom is handling the significant increase in channel business and doing so more efficiently and cost-effectively than before.

The amount of manual touches we needed was very difficult for us even at the lower, pre-COVID-19 volume. We would never have been able to keep up without our use of Nintex. Now, we’re not only keeping up with much higher volume, but we’re sending out auto-confirmations to partners consistently and in real-time, as opposed to taking up to three days.
– Yesenia Orozco, Channel Operations Manager, Zoom
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